Ankle Ligament Reconstruction or Repair

Ankle ligaments can become damaged when the ankle is rolled or twisted in an awkward way. Ligaments are forced beyond their strength limit, leading to partial or complete tears. Once the ligament is torn, it is replaced with scar tissue, which is not as strong as the original tissue. If the tear is severe enough, the ligament may not heal without surgery. 

Additionally, some individuals inherently have very loose ligaments of the ankle, leading to instability of the joint and recurrent sprains. These sprains can happen from simply walking on an uneven surface and having the ankle “give out.” This reduces quality of life in many, as they have to avoid activities they enjoy due to fear of injury.

A stable ankle joint is crucial for normal gait. 

The extent of the injury or degree of instability of the ankle joint guides the type of surgical procedure. Usually, the ligament will need to be completely reconstructed via Kevlar-reinforced stitches attached to the fibula bone with an anchor. A video is seen below. 

More About Ankle Ligament Reconstruction or Repair

Dr. Matthew Turanovic is trained in the most up to date and advanced surgical techniques and protocols for foot and ankle surgery - without the need for casts and crutches. See the about me for more information about your surgeon.

A thorough consultation, history, examination, and understanding of patient goals are required to determine which surgical procedure is appropriate for the arthritic joint. As such, information about the recovery period and return to activities and work will be discussed at time of consultation. 

The surgery time is about one hour. Surgery is done with regional anesthesia and optional oral sedation. This means the nerves of the foot are numbed with local anesthetic so no pain is felt during the procedure. Oral medication is given to reduce anxiety, promote a calming effect, and sometimes a relaxing nap. This allows for a quicker, more comfortable recovery after surgery and poses significantly fewer risks and complications compared with general anesthesia. 

Detailed care instructions will be given and pain control medicine will be prescribed after surgery.  You will have direct contact with the surgical team should questions or concerns arise when you leave the office.

Need a Consultation?

To book a consultation, please fill in our contact form or leave us a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible via telephone.

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